
激情文学 答库雅念念:码住保藏!雅念念大作文7分必备句型!

发布日期:2024-08-02 21:02    点击次数:152

激情文学 答库雅念念:码住保藏!雅念念大作文7分必备句型!


1.论证有意方面 have a positive effect on... (对...有积极影响)e.g. Overseas investment has had a positive effect on exports. play a vital role in / be beneficial to / be good for / be conducive to (上演了至关病笃的变装/对...有公正)e.g. Advertising can be beneficial to the customers if it is true to its claims. It pays to do… / be worth doing (...值得作念)e.g. It pays to spend the money on building the new library. profit from... (从中赢利)e.g. People the world over can profit from the advancement in motorized flight. contribute to (对...有孝顺)e.g. Various factors contributed to his downfall. someone can utilize sth (不错诳骗)e.g. In this day and age, many individuals can utilize the Internet via computers or mobile phones. 2.论证不利方面 have a negative effect on... (对...有负面影响)e.g. The crisis had a negative effect on trade. pose a threat to / be detrimental / harmful to / be bad for / cause damage to(对...形成胁迫/对...有危害)e.g. Ultimately, these inequities are detrimental/harmful to all city dwellers. ...is attended by... (伴跟着)e.g. The staggering advancement of technology is attended by severe pollution of the ecosystem. A can be attributed to B (A不错归因于B)e.g. The proliferation of traffic accidents can be in large measure attributed to the traffic law not being strict enough. Sth. is the root cause of... (是...的根底原因)e.g. The population exploion is the root cause of water scarcity. be afflicted with (受折磨)e.g. In present-day society, a host of countries are afflicted with chronic poverty. 3.示意作念某事很难/容易/病笃 It is difficult / easy / important / possible for sb. to do sth.(体式主语)e.g. It is difficult for kids to stay focused for long periods of time. I find / think / consider / believe it difficult/easy/important/possible (for sb) to do sth.(体式宾语)e.g. I consider it important for young people to have a healthy diet. Sth. make it difficult / easy / important / possible for sb. to do sth.e.g. Intense curiosity makes it difficult for children to stay focused for long periods of time. 4.款式原因 The reason why ... is that...e.g. The reason why I support the maintenance of ancient buildings is that they carry a great deal of culture. Due to / Due to the fact thatDue to the economic crisis, the company had to weather the storm by laying off employees. 5.例如论证 Examples of this abound. (这么的例子比比齐是) A standout example of this would be... (一个超越的例子是...)e.g. A standout example of this would be the offices designed by Apple founder Steve Jobs for both Pixar and Apple. This is particularly the case for... (尤其关于...来说)e.g. This is particularly the case for single parents.For example/instancee.g. For example, afternoon tea is a British custom.


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